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0.3 Technische Vorbereitung Server ISS Rolle Installieren

0.3 Technische Vorbereitung Server ISS Rolle Installieren

Note that the position of these features might differ depending on Windows Server version and that some features can have a different version (e.g. NET version depends on Windows Server version).
• Server Roles
o Web Server (IIS)
• Web server Role (IIS) -> Role Services
o Common HTTP Features
 Default Document
 Directory Browsing
 HTTP Errors
 HTTP Redirection
 Static Content
o Health and Diagnostics
 Custom logging
 HTTP Logging
 Logging Tools
 ODBC Logging
 Tracing
o Performance Features (all subitems)
o Security
 Basic Authentication
 Centralized SSL Certificate Support
 Request Filtering
 Windows Authentication
o Application Development Features
 .NET Extensibility 3.5
 .NET Extensibility 4.7
 ASP.NET 3.5
 ASP.NET 4.7
 ISAPI Extensions
 ISAPI Filters

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